Convert to Judaism
Orthodox Conversion:
What brings you to want to convert to Judaism?
To become Jewish is a big commitment. Ask yourself what brought your soul to have interest in this huge spiritual decision? When did it start?
Being Jewish means taking the commitment to change your entire lifestyle, thought process, lens to see the world, and type of prayer. Following Shabbat and holidays are necessary which costs money, time, effort, dietary restrictions, and work. This is a physically demanding commitment - not with lifting heavy weights, but with scheduling time to organize yourself and meet the necessary demands.
Topics include:
1. Kosher
2. Holidays
3. Prayer
4. Shabbat
5. Female Cleanliness
To get started we would like to hear from you and tell us about your decision making.
And then we will discuss:
1. Books to order
2. Time to study
3. Test preparation classes
4. Schedule Beit Dein and Mikvah for live conversion
5. Pass test
Email Avi to introduce yourself and to get started: